Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weekly update

Whew! It has been a long one, let me tell you what. We got off to a busy start again this week. I feel like the world is spinning sometimes.

Monday started pretty well. The boy is starting to get more and more antsy. He's about to drive his mama a little nuts. And it seems like he is having hard time keeping his mouth shut. He has a comment for everything. At one point I told him to go play and he had ten minutes. He came back ready to work, and he did pretty well for awhile.

I don't mind if he stands while he works. At least he's working. And in a public school they would be fussing at him for standing. Some times you just have to move. And I don't know many seven year olds that can sit still for long. But when he started dancing, I had a couple of issue. It would have been alright if he had worked and danced. But that wasn't the case. And that irritated me. And he knew he was pushing my buttons. So I pushed his buttons. The rest of the week, he started to mellow out a little, but it was touch and go for awhile. We both needed park day come Friday.

The big girl was fantastic this week. She had some grammar issues last week, but she ended up doing really well. She started a new topic this week. And kicked butt at it. She had a couple of attitude issues, but I feel like we worked through them pretty well.

Her dance class was Monday, and she rocked it. She is such a good dancer. And she loves dancing. This is her third year in this class, and I think come next year, she may be ready to move on to something else, either a more advanced class, or maybe a different genre entirely. She always seems a little shy and nervous when class starts, but she rocks it every time. And by the end of class, she's smiling, so yea!

I am so proud of her. What an amazing young lady she is turning out to be. I thank God for her. I told her the other day that she was meant to be our shining light. She is beautiful, smart, funny and has such a great personality. She can be shy when you first meet her, but then she finally opens up and the fun comes out.

And the baby. We had our issue last week with her reading lessons, but this week she was fantastic. We didn't have one issue. She has done such a good job. We are on lesson 18 of the "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons". The downside about the program is that by the 10th lesson or so, I think the child loses interest. They are ready to read already. But if you hang in a little further, it starts to pick up. And she is already sounding out words and reading the sentences in the lessons. We've had to work on her speech as we go along, but that has improved already as well. We're still working on a couple of things, "th" is still a little difficult for her.

She loves her dance class. She gets mad when somebody else gets ready for dance class. She wants it to be her turn. Don't we always want it to be our turn. I'm glad she loves it. I hope we can all dance forever.

Hubby and the boy went camping at the beach this weekend. They went with hubby's brother and his son, and hubby's dad. They took the metal detectors and fishing poles. They have a campsite almost right on the water. The last time I talked to them, they hadn't found anything worth anything, but they were having a good time. They're going fishing later. At least they aren't fishing for dinner. They could starve.

The girls and I went to a birthday party for a friend from church. She is a really sweet girl and she and the big girl are really good friends. She goes to public school and her friends from school were there. The big girl felt a little left out, but once eveybody got in the pool, they loosened up and all played pretty good together.

Tonight, I have to clean out my tub. I have a nice big tub and some bubble bath just screaming our names. So I'm gonna go take a bubble bath.

Have a great day!

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