Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today is the Day

Today is the day that our baby starts dance class. She is so excited. I am to a point, but this is one of those milestone moments. She is finally able to start, but that means she is old enough. I didn't think that she would ever be old enough. I relate this to the first day of kindergarten. With the other two, it wasn't a big deal.

The big girl started when she was in kindergarten. She wanted to be a ballerina. So I looked into dance classes and off she went. The boy watched her dance and decided that he wanted to. So he started the next year, before he started kindergarten. But this is my baby. I guess it's always worse with the baby. But I am so glad my babies dance.

I love what it does for them. Not that the boy lacks confidence about anything he does, except spelling, but it is so good for all of them. So, short post today. But as soon as I get the pictures, maybe I'll post them for you.

Have a great day!

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