Monday, July 21, 2008

Lesson Plans

I was looking at our curriculum for the upcoming year (See previous post-Curriculum What?). I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew. But we're going to give it a shot and see what happens.

For the upcoming school year I have science, history, math, spelling/vocabulary, reading comprehension/writing prompts, bible study,and grammar. That's a lot. I also want to throw in a foreign language. I have a small Chinese program, and a small Spanish program. But the great thing about homeschooling- we do what we can, when we can.

I love the freedom of deciding what we will actually get done versus what we have planned to do. I love that if we run out of time, we move on to other things. I love the fact that if we don't feel like doing Science, or history, or grammar, or whatever one day, we don't. I love the fact that we don't work on Fridays. I also love the fact that if we get busy, we can come back and do it later, or skip it all together.

When you were in school, did you have to do projects? I hated them. I still do. I don't like the fact that you are only given a partial week to research a subject and put it together exactly like the teacher wants it. I even had an argument with my oldest child's teacher about projects. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to voice my opinion that if the subject was taught appropriately, projects would be unnecessary. And if a project was necesary, why wasn't the student allowed to express their creativity, instead of being forced to do something somebody else's way? I can't imagine why we didn't get along. It is any wonder I pulled the kids out of school?

Our science curriculum will need some supplemental help from our local library. The good thing about that is that I can get on the Internet and reserve books. Then they'll be delivered to our local branch. I can pick them up once a week or so, or have my hubby do it on his way home. Or I can have them delivered to a branch near hubby's work and have him pick them up from there. Who says I'm not very flexible?

I also downloaded some podcats from iTunes (see previous post Dial Up Bites). I love the fact that curriculum can be supplemented from different sources. Through the school district, we have a membership to Encyclopedia Brittanica. The school district pays for it, and the students get to use it. There is also a great online magazine from Answers in Genesis. It is nature based and deals with alot of natural science issues but in a biblical way. It opens your eyes to a different way of seeing things, looking at issues, and deciding what you believe about God and creation.

Whch is another great thing about homeschooling. In public school, kids aren't taught that God has his hands in every situation. Why do we have a planet that rotates on its side? Because God wanted it that way. Or because a huge comet hit the giant gas planet and knocked it sideways. I know which way I believe.

And now the youngest is going to start learning with us. She gets to learn how to read. I really hope I can pull that one off. If she isn't ready, we'll put it down, work on some letters, and come back to it. She already knows all her letter names, her number names up to 12, and how to spell her name. She also knows how to spell her sister's name, and we are working on brother's.

So, in a nut shell, very full curriculum, teaching another child, and trying to keep my sanity. Pray for me. I can use all the help I can get. We start school on September 3, so look for updates.

Have a great day!

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