Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Out with the Old

School year is finally done as of today. In our state, the kids have to have an evaluation done. I could go through all the nuts and bolts of it, or you can look it up here if you're really that desperate. I have a friend that is a retired teacher that does our evals. Well, did ours. Her certificate expires this year and that makes me sad. The kids swim in the pool, she looks over their portfolio, and she and I talk. I mailed the evals today, they should be delivered tomorrow or the next day and school year 2010-2011 is in the books as complete and done.

I can't leave well enough alone, though, 'cause I'm a freak. Next year we are throwing most of the curriculum to the winds. So what have I been doing? Going through my USB drive and listing, by category, everything I have on it. You would be shocked at all the free stuff I have and I get more and more every day. So far I have only done language arts and bible. I still have history, science, and math to do. That could take me days. Who am I kidding? It'll take me a couple of hours. I love curriculum. It doesn't matter to me whether it's on a hard drive, ebook, or good ol' paper books. And as I catalogue, a plan comes together. 

The kids went to the dentist today. They really like their dentist. Good thing because I do not like dentists. I don't like sitting in a chair while they poke and prod my teeth with sharp instruments. So not my idea of a good time. And for those of you who like the dentist, y'all are even weirder than I am, so there. No cavities for the kiddos. They do, however, have very crowded mouths. They got that from me. When I got my braces I had eight teeth pulled. The orthodontist told Mermie I have a small mouth. She said, and I quote, "Ha! You should live with her." The dentist is talking about pulling some teeth from the boy to make room for all his other teeth. The big girl heard a discussion about our not using flouride. It wasn't bad. She said if she didn't have a mouth full of water she would have told them it's because it's poison. That's my girl.

Hubby is working like a fiend. Now if we can actually pay some bills off before we go to Texas, wouldn't that make our lives easier? We sure miss him when he's gone. Thankful at this point that he has a job and the overtime is plentiful. It would be nice to see him in the daylight, though. He's gone early and home late. Maybe Sunday when he's off. Hubby wants to make alot of money this year and try to get us as debt free as possible. Go on with your bad self.

Still no further word on Texas. We are just going to do what we do and wait to hear. Some time. Whenever that may be. Jaded at this point. Again. About something else.

We are now harvesting squash and cucumbers like crazy. We have figured out that the squash and cukes and watermelons are taking the majority of the water as well as the heat. We had been filling it up every four or five days, but with the heat it hasn't been enough. Every three days is better. Our lettuce wilted good and proper and we lost the bibb. The cucumbers more than make up for it, though. Hubby started some purple hulled peas that are almost ready to add to the tower. And, because he loves me, we got pumpkin seeds. My favorite holiday to decorate for is Halloween and I always have a pumpkin patch. Hopefully, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we'll have our own homegrown patch this year. That would be awesome!

And that's the update. A little bit of this, a little bit of something else. Boring as usual. Loving that.

Have a great day.


Big Sis said...

You don't have to worry about evals next year. Texas stays out of your business when you homeschool.

Mom's garden didn't make it this year. They didn't have the time between all the doctors' visits and whatnot. I just didn't have the time to drive all the way out there and help them. I will miss those veggies.

We have a great kids' dentist!! We could schedule all our appointments for all seven kids at the same time and you guys could just spend all day in town.

I love you!!!

Cristy said...

Just one more thing to love about the great country of Texas!! I have more than enough veggies to share with the tower. I'll share with both of you. Wouldn't that freak the dentist out when all 7 of teh kids showed up. I'd think I was being invaded.
Love you...