Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Almost Done

This is our last week of school. I cannot believe it. We have done very good work this year and I am very proud of my kids. Here's a quick list of the things we have done and some things we have learned.

The baby learned to read. That was one of the coolest things I have ever done. I thought it was absolutely amazing to hear her start to read. She sat with me yesterday and read a book with me. Every time we do that, I am more and more amazed at her progress. Now that she can read, we reinforce that this summer with summer reading camp at the library. She loves seeing words and reading them to us. It doesn't matter if it's a sign, label, headline, book, whatever. As long as it has words, she's reading.

Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility. That is the key for us. It is so much more important to be able to adjust to our crazy schedule. We were so busy at one point, but we just rolled with it. If there is a ton of questions, if the kids showed me they could do the assignment, then they don't have to do them all. Sticking to what the curriculum says to do is not always the best thing to do. Be flexible for each child so that they can learn. That is the most important thing.

I can overschedule us. So many people want so many things. We have the opportunity to participate in three different co-ops in the upcoming year. We will not be. I am really hoping that we can participate in two of them. But again, with dance and school, I have to make sure that our schedule is at the point that we can handle it, and not do all of our schooling in the car. There is also JAM and the big girl will be in youth. So add two more activities. We may have to school on (shudder) Friday.

Friends are very important. Not just for the kids, but for me, too. It feels so good to have someone to turn to. Play dates are not just for the kids. If you are telling yourself that, you are very mistaken. We all need to have someone that can sympathize and empathize.

Field trips rule. We took three field trips this year and loved them. We got to spend time with our friends and fellow homeschoolers. We went places we probably wouldn't have gone without them. We got to learn about and see things that we probably wouldn't have without home schooling.

The last thing I have learned is that I am blessed. I have always known this, but it really hits home for me since we started home schooling. I get to watch my kids learn and grow every day. It has made me a better parent and made my kids see a whole new way of life. God has touched our lives and Jesus stays with us at all times. I can even teach my kids with a biblical viewpoint and bring Him into all aspects of our lives.

Our year is almost over, but not the learning. Learning goes well beyond our school years. Learning takes place every second of every day. I am blessed enough to get to see it and be part of it.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

This post was fun to read. Homeschooling is such a blessing and so rewarding. Teaching a child to read is truly thrilling! And, you are so right about moms needing the playdates too. I don't know what I would do without my homeschoolie friends. Congrats on a successful school year!