Monday, September 14, 2009

Oops! Paint

Home Depot has this great rack of paint. It's the oops! rack. It's the paint that they messed up the color or added too much thinner or whatever. We stopped by a couple of weeks ago, just to see what they have. I am really tired of plain, white walls. I have wanted to add color, but so far the only room we had done was our room. When we stopped by Home Depot, they had this great purple that looks great with the big girl's comforter. The gallons of oops paint are $5, and I had $5.35 cash in my wallet. That paid for the paint. We stopped and got brushes and a paper, biodegradable drop cloth. It costs us about $15-20 for the everything, paint included. Not bad, considering the paint itself usually costs more than that.

Here's what we did with it. We painted a wall in the big girl's room and parts of her closet door. It looks really good. She loves it, which makes it all the better. We did the wall while she was at a girls' night out event at church and surprised her. But she got to help paint the closet doors. Hubby taped it off and she painted the panels. Don't mind the mess in the picture. Her room always looks that way.

Have a great day!

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