Friday, March 5, 2010

Pow Wow 2010, In Pictures

This was our field trip today to the Thundering Spirits Family Pow Wow. We had gone last year as well, and had a blast. When it came again this year, we had to go.
This year, they did things a little differently and we got there a little earlier. We missed the parade of dancers last year (bottom photo) but managed to get there in time this year. There are more dancers that arrive tonight, but we won't be there for that. It is still impressive to see the dancers from many tribes in their finery. We love the music, too. The big girl and I had decided that we were going to get a CD, but we forgot. I didn't forget the kettle corn, though.
This year the kids got kits to make a dream catcher. We are going to put those together tomorrow. I'll try to post the pics of that. They also got an archery lesson. They were able to use a bow and arrow and shoot at a target. It was fun to watch their first shot go long or wild. The second shot was much better. I'll also post those pics in another post.
As a native American from a people that shares their history and culture through dance, this is always an opportunity that I look forward to. The music tells the story just as the dancers do. They work together to paint a picture of life from long ago. Glorious and beautiful.

We got to watch the tepee demonstration again this year. It amazes me that the ways and technology of people from long ago has not been improved upon. Their way of living and surviving and making a life for themselves and their families is truly inspirational. My friend Melissa said, "I think they were alot smarter than we are." I agree, M, I agree.
If you get a chance to go to a pow wow, I would highly recommend it. We love the pageantry, the music, the culture, the atmosphere. And of course, the kettle corn.
Have a great day.

1 comment:

Big Sis said...

We did a little bit of archery at a couple of campouts through girl scouts and they loved it. I'll be taking the training next year. This may sound kind of weird, but it's a kind of empowering when you get that arrow to the target. I love you guys!!