Saturday, January 9, 2010

Decisons, decisions

I wish that would end like the commercial for the game of Life. Pay me! It doesn't. It's good to dream. January is here and that means only one thing: the hunt for curriculum for next year is on. We use our tax refund to buy the books that we need. This year I have so much running through my head, I'm having a hard time.

The big girl will be a seventh grader. When did that happen? I started with her because I have had a clear picture of what I wanted for her. For language arts, I want something that will cover a wide range of topics like spelling and vocabulary, grammar, poetry and literature, and I feel like we need to start focusing on writing reports. She is a great creative writer, but it's time to bring something new to the table. The problem has been finding a curriculum that will cover all of that. Short of a text book used in schools, I'm not finding what I want.

I am finding that there is great curriculum that covers different areas. I have been online for two days now just researching language arts for her. I have come across some that focus on parts of what I want, and is easily supplemented. I have found some that covers one thing, but none of the others. I think I have made my decision. I think that this year we are skpping grammar. We have focused on grammar since we started homeschooling and I think it's OK to skip a year or two. How many times can you review what a noun is? Parts of speech and usage and all that bores me and I know it bores her. And isn't that one of the glorious things about homeschooling? WE get to pick and choose what we want to learn.

For math next year for the big girl we are doing pre-algebra. Depending on how she does for the next few weeks and what the pre-algebra curriculum looks like we may skip that all together and just go straight to algebra. I think it would be better for her to do the pre-a, so we'll see. I have found that it is harder to find a middle school math. This is a time of transition to higher math like algebra and geometry and the like. How many times can you teach addition and subraction, even of decimals and fractions? Boredom sets in for teacher and student. That will be my next foray into the world of curiculum research.

Hubby and I are going to try to go to the convention this year. I went last year with my friend C and had the most amazing time. It was overwhelming at first, and even for a couple of days after. But I set everything aside and looked at it later, when the dust had settled. The curriculum I was still thinking about was what I focused on. If we do go to convention, that means I have to wait to buy the books we need. Can I wait that long? Convention isn't until May! I also need to check if it coincides with our dance recital. I like to be able to go and touch the books, and look at the actual book we would be using. I love the smell of curriculum in the morning.

I already have our history and science for next year. For our history we are going to take a break from our Story of the World and study the Constitution. Not so much American history yet, just a look at what our country is founded on. There has been such a hullabaloo about our rights lately going on in politics, that I want the kids to know what our rights really are. I want them to know the difference between a right and a privilege. I have some unit studies we'll be using that I downloaded for free. And I already have a couple copies of the Constitution to use as well. Our science is the human body. I already have the curriculum for that. The boy is next and he'll be easy. LifePacs for him. The baby is another story. First grade and everything is new. I haven't done first grade so we'll see how crazy I drive myself with that. Tomorrow, I'm back at it.

Have a great day!

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