Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Family Reading

One of the things that I like about Park Fridays and co-ops is that I get to talk to other homeschooling parents, usually moms, and get ideas that I really like. I also get to find out that my family is, are you ready, normal.

If we don't school one day and I happen to mention that, several moms inevitably say, "Neither did we!" I love that. It makes me feel so good. If someone mentions that their son would rather walk barefoot across broken glass while his hair is on fire than work on his handwriting, I just sigh and think, or say, "Mine, too." What a great thing it is to belong. To know that someone else has the same problems or dilemmas that I do, and that I am not alone.

One of my favorite things is hearing what other families are doing in their adventure called homeschooling. The park is a place to get new ideas. Or to get new ideas about an old concept. Or a new way to teach an old concept. But it is also a place to get fresh ideas for our families.

One of the best things you can do for your children, and for yourself I think, is to read out loud. It helps your brain learn and function in a different way than reading silently. Look it up, there's a study somewhere I'm sure. A friend of mine reads to her children while they are eating their lunch. They are reading "A Christmas Carol." So I have taken that idea and sort of spun it around and made it our own.

I read at the dinner table. Every night we sit together at the table. That is something that I can remember doing in my home when I was growing up. As my sister and I got older, that fell by the wayside. But I always remember that we could talk about our day and just be together. So that is something that is very important to hubby and me and our family. And after I'm done with my dinner, usually I'm the first, I read to the family. We just started late last week, but it has become something that we all enjoy.

The first book I read was "The Fright Before Christmas". It was a cute little story that had the character Bunnicula in it. If you don't know who Bunnicula is, he's a vampire rabbit. But don't worry, he only drains vegetables. Read some of his stuff if you haven't. He plays a minor role in this story. It is set in his household and is about how scared the new puppy is of Santa. The kids loved it, and there were even a couple of laugh out loud moments.

The next book we read was "A Christmas Tale" by Geronimo Stilton. We love his books. I have blogged about him before, but if you don't know, he's a mouse. He is the editor of a local newspaper and quite a good writer. All of his books are about his life. This one is about how Geronimo was going to have to spend Christmas alone. He was devastated. But his Christmas was saved. I won't tell you how, but it's a nice little surprise.

We are now reading a Little House Chapter Book. This one is "Christmas Stories". They are cute little stories based on the Little House on the Prairie series. I was hoping the big girl would start reading them, but they are not really her style I guess. So instead, I'm reading some out loud. We are enjoying it. It is something that the kids don't normally look at in the library, but they crowd me every night when they are done eating.

We are concentrating on Christmas right now. Tomorrow we go back to the library and pick out some new books. I have three that already have to go back. This has been a fantastic way to spend together as a family and I highly recommend it. Find a good book from your childhood to share, or find one that can be passed on to your children's children. Just read. Your kids will love it, and so will you.

Have a great day!

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