Saturday, December 27, 2014

For Your Enjoyment (Well, Mine, Really, but Whatever)

I cleaned some pics off my phone the other day. Over 300 of them. My total is now below 1200. Woot!! I'm getting there. And since I had to download some before I deleted them from my phone, I get to do a photo dump blog!

This was when Blossom first came home. She was so tiny. And cute. And good. Hmmm...

Just another dance picture. We seem to have a ton of those for some reason...

This was our first official family pic at Disney. Wow, have things changed! And grown...

I can always count on the big girl for a selfie. This was at Hollywood Studios for the Osborne Family Lights. Love that place...

The boy after he won 2nd place in the talent show. I think he should have gotten first...

Gotta love a family shot...

Beautiful...and lazy...

The big girl and the boy teaching dance at VBS...oh, yeah, they did... 

Downtown O-town after a Magic game...

Because sometimes there isn't anywhere else to sit...

Big girl said she didn't look good in a scarf. I showed her...

This is our loot from the summer reading program a couple of years ago. Yet another reason we read...
And that's all you get. For now...
Have a great day...

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