Saturday, April 28, 2012


The last park day started like any other. It was a balmy 80 degrees, the sun was shining with a few puffy clouds. When we arrived at the park, there were only a couple of families there. The kids helped me unload our lunch bag and various scooters and ripsticks from the back of the minivan. Children ran and played and their joy filled laughter filled the park. If we had known it would be so short lived, we would have treasured every moment of happiness.

Shortly after her arrival, my friend JK was gracious enough to go to her car and retrieve some ibuprofen for me. I had started to develop a headache, and didn't want it to ruin a perfect day at the park. As a courtesy, and because we were in the middle of a conversation, I decided to accompany her. The headache should have been my first clue that danger was imminent.

As we were nearing her vehicle, we heard screaming coming from the other end of the parking lot. As we look up, we see a giant brown bear running out of the woods. And straight towards us. JK was stricken with fear. Mothers were gathering their children and running for the safety of their vehicles. My friend KS shouted "Please, someone help them!!" Those words seemed to spur me into motion. I quickly dashed behind a tree and donned the uniform of my alter ego- Super Homeschooling Mom!!

I sized up the situation using my super intellect. I realized that the bear was actually running in fear itself. While every one else heard "Growl, roar, growl!!", the poor bear was really screaming "Rabid squirrel!! Rabid squirrel!!" My arch nemesis had arrived. No way was I going to let him ruin a great day at the park. With a flick of my cape, with matching shoes, belt, and a too cute purse, I flew across the park.

As quickly as I could, and with all the super strength I could muster, I scooped up the frightened bear just as it reached my friend! I deposited the bear inside the dog park. Thankfully, there were no dogs in the park at the time. Just as quickly, I rushed back just as the squirrel was jumping at JK. I snatched the squirrel out of the air by it's tail. I spun it around several times and threw it far, far away! As I turned in triumph, my friend JK, overwhelmed by the whole ordeal of being attacked by two animals, fainted. I flew to catch her but misjudged the distance. As she fell, I had to turn my body to cushion her fall. I didn't want her to hit her head on the hard asphalt of the parking lot. I turned my body, landing awkwardly, stepping into a hole. And that's how I scraped my knee and sprained my ankle.


Have a great day. 


Big Sis said...
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Big Sis said...

OMG!!! Hope you didn't break a heel off your shoe or anything when you fell??? Because that would truly be awful!!!