Wednesday, February 20, 2013

More Pics

Just some random stuff.

This was the family that was in town for my mom's funeral. We went and ate Mexican food, which was one of her favorites. Margaritas have never been so good...

My sweet nieces, the baby, and my crazy boy! We were walking to the park to hang out and play. Love spending time with them!

Turn your back on the big girl for half a second and what happens? She makes herself comfortable and starts reading. Wonder where she gets that from? Oh, yeah...

I love the fact that all the people in the background of this pic are family. I call that crowd control.

The babies!!What happens when you get 2 divas in a room? Lots of laughing and trying to out queen each other. But they're so pretty, how can you help but laugh (and put them in time out when they've gone too far!)

Have a great day.

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