Friday, October 17, 2008


Today is Friday. You all know how much I love Fridays. It is a great day. The big girl had some work to finish, and the boy had to write his bible verses from Wednesday and Thursday. But they got them done in record time. We all got ready and hit the door, but I was a little late. I was going to make bologna sandwiches, but I forgot to take the bologna out of the freezer last night. It completely slipped my mind until this morning when I was going to make sandwiches. We stopped by Subway, which upset me a little. I had been holding on to my $20 since early last week and hadn't spent it. Well I spent it today! But we all had a great lunch.

My friend Melanie called me as we were getting in the van outside of Subway to ask me if we were coming to the park. It was almost 11 and nobody was there except her. That is so something I would do. But that's my insecurities showing through. Apparently, nobody from our group was there and usually the place is swarming with them. I told her I was on my way, and eventually a large group of us did show up.

The thing I like most about the park is the conversation. The topics are large and varied and can create very emotional responses, or can reduce everyone to a howling pack of wolves. Either way, today's conversations made me realize that I am grateful for so many things.

I am so very thankful to be the mother of brilliant, beautiful, hilarious, independent, free spirited children that love life, their parents and God. All of my children are so different from each other, but at the same time so very much alike. They look alike and sometimes act alike, but they think so very differently from each other. I have a quiet (yes, I have a quiet child. But really, who can get a word in edgewise?) brilliant oldest child that can be very emotional and insightful. The boy is loud and boisterous and thinks his Mama is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen (what a good boy!). His mind takes the long way most of the time, but watching the journey is amazing and magical. And the baby is exactly that. She is the baby. At two she could draw happy faces with spacial placement of facial features that was spot on. At four she is reading and reading well. She never really had to do anything for herself because her brother and sister would do it for her. But she is as independent as the day is long. Stubborn, too, but she gets that from her father (ha, ha. If I don't laugh I fear the lightning bolt.).

Being a mother to these children is definitely a blessing and I am grateful for the opportunity to even be associated with them. My prayer is that we will always be close and loving.

I am grateful for my friends. I have made some incredible friends that support me no matter what kind of junk comes out of my mouth. Sometimes it's good junk. but it can be stinky junk, too. I am grateful for the friends that I have kept, the friends that I have made, and the friends that I have reconnected with. I am thankful that I have a network of support and am a support to those who need it. I am encouraged and challenged and loved by those that I call friend. And I support and challenge and love them as well. I am here for you no matter the time of day or night when you need a shoulder or arms or whatever I can give you.

I am thankful for my husband. Our relationship is strong and loving. I love my husband. I cannot imagine a day of my life without his quiet strength and loving arms to hold me close. I am grateful for the time that we spend together. I am thankful that we have both chosen to spend time with each other working to strengthen always the bonds that hold us together. He is good to me, but he is also good for me. He lifts me up when I need to be lifted, but he also does not hesitate to knock me down a peg or two when I get too big for my britches. He is my heart.

I am thankful for the fellowship at the park. Sunday is a day for church, but every day is good for fellowship. The parents that I have met are fabulous, diverse people from many backgrounds and we still find that the most important thing is the love we have for Jesus Christ. With that, we are able to spend time with our children and spouses and friends and know that what we do, we do for a better purpose than our own.

I am thankful for my friends and family that are interested in the ramblings of a crazy Hawaiian chick that loves to hear the sound of her own voice. Or at least the sound of the clicking keys. It means more to me than you know that you have taken an interest in our lives and care about what is going on in our lives. It makes my heart sing when you leave comments and are supportive of what we do. Homeschooling is not what some of you would have chosen for us, yet you support our decision and encourage our growth. Thank you for what you do for me and for my family.

So there you go. I know this was not a typical post, but I wanted to shake it up a bit today. You know me, I'm not happy unless I'm shaking some body's tree. I hope I have encouraged you to think about the things you are thankful for.

Have a great day!

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