Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One day...

...life will slow down. Won't it? Please?

It has been a day. Today was co-op day. Not only co-op day, but our day to host. Like I have time for people to come over. I cleaned a little Sunday, but a little more on Monday. I got all of our laundry washed, dried, folded, hung up, and put away. The kids cleaned their rooms. But that didn't mean I didn't have 6 errands to run before everybody got here.

Thankfully, it doesn't start until 1:30. I was up about 7, making PB& Js for hubby to take to work today. I didn't tell him I have $20 in my wallet, because he would take it and spend it all today. Not happening (sorry, Baby).

Then I got the big girl up and got her in the shower. She made her bed and cleaned her room a little first. Then I got the boy up and got him in the shower. The baby got one yesterday, so I skipped her this morning. One thing off my list. They always drag their feet in the shower, and it's worse in the morning when they are tired. Or when I'm tired. Or a combination of the two.

Then I loaded the dish washer and got breakfast ready. We did our bible study while the kids ate and then moved on. Science was next and then history. Then the baby had to get her reading lesson. Out of seventeen words, she read 14 and sounded out 3. I am so impressed with her. I didn't think I could do it, but she is so fantastic. Then the two big kids moved on to their other stuff and I jumped in the shower.

After my shower, the kids had to finish getting ready and at 10:45, we were out the door. I had to stop by the post office, but that was a drive by and a drop off. I had signed up for a subscription for The Old Schoolhouse magazine and it came with some freebies. I had to mail the reply cards for the freebies. Then off to drop off some clothes for charity. I cleaned out our closet and a couple of drawers yesterday, and the stuff had to go. The dollar store was next. I needed a couple of things for the co-op today, drinks and snacks. And the kids were having a fit that we didn't have dental floss for their teeth. That only took us ten minutes and the kids did not ask for anything. Not one time.

Then to church to pick up the curriculum for our next topic at our after school program. I won't have much time after dance tomorrow to stop and pick it up, so I did it today. Then the library. I have been trying to get to the library for the kids to check out some books, but time has not been very agreeable with that. I had to pick up our video for the after school program that we are going to watch tomorrow. Then, last but not least, the grocery store. The kids didn't ask for anything there either, except a balloon from the cashier. Thank you babies for being so great for Mama.

When we got home, I put groceries away and made lunch. Today we had grilled cheese and tomato soup. I made mine with pepper jack and ham. Yum! But I didn't have soup. I have to cut the calories somewhere and today it was the soup. Then I finished loading the dishwasher, cleaned off the island, wiped down the stove, counters, and island, and swept the kitchen. I was tired before anyone got here. And I made Tang, with Sprite instead of water. The kids couldn't get enough when they all got here.

I had to prepare things for my lesson today. I did reference books. I went over the types of reference books and what was in each of them. I had examples of a few different ones. I didn't realize we had so many. I had them do a dictionary scavenger hunt that I got off one of my favorite web sites. Then everybody went and played, and the moms got to sit and talk. Like adults. Wow. They finally left about 4:30.

I did some work on the computer and answered my emails. I gave the baby a quick bath and scrubbed her dirty knees, legs, and feet. They jumped on the trampoline and it makes them black. The baby had dance class tonite, so she needed to be clean. Hair in a bun, leotard on, everybody go potty, get shoes and socks on. We had to stop at Target and get a pair of pink tights. I forgot that the baby had put a huge hole in her last pair and needed another. I changed her in the van and off we go.

When we got home, I had to make dinner. The boy wanted a bath, so hubby ran him one while I cooked. Then get kids ready for bed, read our story, and good night. My friend Melanie says I do more than she ever could. I just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. If I stop too long, I think about all I have to do and end up overwhelmed. But I usually sleep pretty good at night. Until the boy and the baby come in. Then I end up in the boy's bed, because the baby's is too small. Another productive day down.

Have a great day!

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